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The odd Celts (photo credit: wikipedia) |
Andrew O’Hehir wrote this:
When the Provisional Irish Republican Army agreed
to end its paramilitary insurgency (and/or terrorist campaign) against British
rule in Northern Ireland with the Good Friday accords of 1998, it was
unambiguously a good thing for the people of Ireland and their British
next-door neighbors. It’s not like everything suddenly became hunky-dory in the
long and troubled historical relationship between those islands, but the peace
has largely held – splinter groups and isolated sectarian violence aside – and
an era of relative normalcy and increasing prosperity has followed. Given the
global context of the 21st century, an intractable religious-cum-nationalist
dispute between two tiny groups of white people in the northwest corner of
Europe looks pretty close to irrelevant.
But the end of the IRA’s guerrilla war had a less
salubrious effect on the Irish-American population, and I say that in full
awareness that on the surface that’s an offensive statement. What I mean is that
the last connection between Irish-American identity and genuine history was
severed, and all we’re left with now is a fading and largely bogus afterlife.
On one hand, Irishness is a nonspecific global brand of pseudo-old pubs,
watered-down Guinness, “Celtic” tattoos and vague New Age spirituality,
designed to make white people feel faintly cool without doing any of the hard
work of actually learning anything. On the other, it’s Bill O’Reilly, Sean
Hannity, Pat Buchanan and Rep. Peter King, Long Island’s longtime Republican
congressman (and IRA supporter), consistently representing the most
stereotypical grade of racist, xenophobic, small-minded, right-wing
Irish-American intolerance. When you think of the face of white rage in
America, it belongs to a red-faced Irish dude on Fox News.
In its finer moments, the Irish republicanism of
the ’70s and ’80s sparked a global consciousness among a population of
privileged white Americans whose cultural distinctness was fading fast. You
didn’t have to support Angela Davis, Che Guevara and the PLO to understand that
there was a historical relationship between their issues and the Irish
Troubles. Ireland was the original colonized nation, and was subjected to a
near-genocidal conquest centuries before the Holocaust. It was where the
policies of the British Empire were road-tested for use in India and Africa,
and where a subject population stripped of property and political rights was
then blamed for its own poverty. The island’s native people, despite their
white skin, were viewed as savage and barbaric because they did not speak
English, practiced an alien religion and hewed to unfamiliar cultural customs.
During the Great Famine of the 1840s, which produced a huge wave of Irish
emigration to America, the Irish poor were starved to death or driven off their
own land by the millions. Yes, the potato — a plant imported from South America
by the British — had been ruined by blight, but the famine itself was
avoidable. Its true cause was not the black fungus that turned the prátaí to
inedible mush, but a pseudo-Darwinian, proto-Milton Friedman free market
ideology, insisted upon at a time when Ireland as a whole was a net exporter of
Without exception, those people started from an
understanding of their own cultural and national history. They began with Irish
nationalist or republican politics, and moved from there to consider how
Ireland’s story fit into a worldwide pattern that transcended the specific
racial paranoia of the United States. Of course Irish history did not end in
1998, and the current situation in that country – a land of immigrants for the
first time in its modern history – is exceptionally interesting. But Ireland is
no longer a divisive and charismatic “issue,” capable of galvanizing people who
live thousands of miles away. With Irish-American identity now split between an
optional lifestyle accessory and a bunch of unappealing right-wing guys yelling
at us, its social-justice component has evaporated as well.
Am I proud of my Irish heritage? Sure I am, up to a
point: We’re all born with something, and I was born with a name no one can
spell or pronounce, which is specific to a few townlands in County Clare. I’ve
actually made it more Yank-friendly by inserting the apostrophe; my dad
insisted upon “O Hehir,” and in retrospect I’m surprised he didn’t go all the
way to Ó hEithir or Ó hAíchir. (As I have told strangers roughly twice a day
for the last several decades, you say it “just like the airport.”) I inherited
some of my Irish-raised dad’s snobbery about the hopelessly Americanized
character of St. Patrick’s Day, which a serious alcoholic like him could only
view as amateur hour. I don’t miss Irish-America’s dishonest relationship to
Irish violence (although the worst offenders in that department were almost
always the racist and homophobic old guard). But I’d put up with many choruses
of “Danny Boy,” and many rounds of green-label Budweiser, to get back that
feeling we briefly had of being an immigrant group that was trying to confront
its history, and to see the prison of whiteness for what it really is. (“How did Irish Americans get so disgusting,” Salon.com)
Patrick McEvoy-Halston
With Irish-American identity now split
between an optional lifestyle accessory
Maybe actually go for
that. What an opportunity! Next step is for us to not factor it in as an option
at all, and our identity is spared by necessity being linked to the tribal. The
English were asses for dominating us for being odd -- actually, I personally
think they were just projecting their own unwanted aspects onto us, and so weren't
actually seeing us at all -- but it's quite possible we were nevertheless up to
things like the Druidic sacrifice of children, and that we spent half our time
in animistic dream states that were so enticing we didn't actually progress
much -- however much I'm sure our songs and dances kicked f*cking ass compared
to what they are now. I don't know for sure, but it strikes me we've all been
getting much better over time, less barbaric, so it makes less and less sense
to revere history.
Also, I'm not exactly sure what's going
on in Russia, but I'm guessing it might come to be associated as being about
the emptiness and triviality of modern times, and the wish to reconnect with
the authentic Russian. If so -- let's not do anything even vaguely close to
Instead, ignore everyone who insists
your current lifestyle is vapid and trivial -- disconnected -- so
long as you're as well voting as progressive as you can. Buy the latest
tech toy, be completely ignorant of when your ancestral tribe was at its heights
(and undaunted when your ignorance is called disgraceful), and vote for gay
marriage, minimum wage hikes, legalization of marijuana … and safe bet you'll
be completely unlike those who took down the towers.
Scott du Nord
Was a time, you could drink and fight
with the Irish. Before preachy, whinging, mincing step flower pickers and
self-loathers like this undescended testicle of an author came along and
assured us that we need to find an Irish woman for a decent fight.
Prison of whiteness? How long before
this stooge escapes the prison of the male body he was born into.
Hating sissified men is neither
xenophobia nor misogyny. It's the most primordial of instincts among alphas,
male and female.
Patrick McEvoy-Halston
@Scott du Nord We fight
those we've projected our own unwanted aspects into. Alphas pick on sissies
because they remember when they felt feminized from being used to entertain and
mop up maternal depression (an "asset" children historically have
depended on for the sheer fact of being raised at all), and need to disown
themselves of and destroy this powerless, distraught self. The best of men were
raised better, closer to what they deserved, and have no defensive need to go
all Putin.
The worst of the hyper-masculine refuse
to have sex longer than a minute for fear of being poisoned by the vagina. You
remain someone who I expect has posted here at feminine Salon for quite awhile,
so if you want to go all the way Alpha you'd probably have to begin by leaving
the site. It might be erroneously contaminating you.
Even the fact that you used the word
"sissy" should maybe concern you more, if when you say it you
momentarily mimic the dolled-up man with lollypop in hand, joined to the
frivolous sisterhood of humanity.
More generalizing trash on Salon.
Developing a trashy reputation Salon! Allow me to generalize. I am
of Irish decent. I live in Montana. Butte Montana has one of the
highest per capita "Irish" populations as well as many others that
came to work the mines. The "Irish" in Montana don't sound like
some loud, hyper-macho, urban, upper east-coast irish-stereotype following
douche like Hannity or Oreilly. What you are criticizing is an East-coast
behavior, not an Irish one! These guys are Americans acting out a
false-macho male behavior learned in America. Same as "Italian"
Americans in Jersey Shore or some such nonsense. They aren't Italians!
They are idiot Americans longing for an identity. The "Irish"
descendants across the midwest and west just act like plain old Americans.
They don't cling to their supposed ethnic behaviors like on the East coast.
Explain that! Why do people from Boston incessantly talk about being
"Irish" and claim "Irishness". They aren't Irish!
Patrick McEvoy-Halston
@DaveD So the Irish that went to
Montana to work the mines, aren't douches, aren't false macho, aren't longing
for identity, don't cling, don't incessantly chatter, but are just plain old
quiet-type Americans with nothing to prove, who rightly hate East-coasters?
If this is
the identity they’re vested in, no wonder Democrats are sticking to
professionals, minorities, and millenials for their success, because it's hard
to imagine handing them out anything that wouldn't leave them feeling
compromised and priss.
tony Scully
I describe bigotry as focusing on the
lowest common denominator of a group.
Despite British genocide and
demoralization of the Irish, the Irish who came to America also enjoyed the
same levels of class, education and intelligence as any other group. The
Carrolls of Carrollton (Charles was a Signer) were reputedly the richest family
in the colonies, and Irish Catholics were the most educated group in the U.S.
by WW One.
Radicals among the Irish included Mother
Jones (Mary Harris), Margaret (Higgins) Sanger, co-founder of Planned
Parenthood, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, head of the U.S. Communist Party, and
Michael Harrington, head of the Socialist Party. Martin Luther King in
part descended from the Kings of County Cork. I and thousands of others,
many, many of us of Irish ancestry, marched with him against the Boston school
district. Liberal commentators of Irish background: Phil Donahue; Bill
Maher; Dylan Rattigan. TV by its nature is a corporate mouthpiece; how
liberal will it ever be? The premise of
this article reflects a certain amount of internalized bigotry.FYI, I also
descend from the Hehirs of Clare.
Patrick McEvoy-Halston
@tony Scully You've put
your army onto the field, and it's considerable -- somehow all the dead Hehirs
seemed risen to momentarily stand by you in pride. Someone down below is also
marching his Irish clan, and it's of the lowest common denominator you seem to
want to be distinguished from-- the uneducated and maybe not most intelligent,
but they insist, the most manly of
the flock.
If I had
to pick between the two, I'd go with what you assembled. But you know, I think
I preferred when I didn't like some of the people you mention because I could
count them part of my stock -- that is, when I liked them simply because, like
me, they seemed to be people who cared.
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