Richard Brody shared a link.
A (far-too-)brief word,
for now, on I Love You, Daddy, which I saw a few weeks ago and found
disgusting. I say that with no exaggeration; in this capsule review, there's
only room for a brief overview of what's repellent about the film; the details
are even more infuriating. And it's so even without reference to Louis C.K.'s
personal conduct. What's more, it's not a case of a well-made film with
sickening content (in any case, I'm not even sure what "well-made"
means, in any context); rather, it's a sort of aesthetic void, a simulacrum of
a movie, and its empty approach to filmmaking is connected with the
narrow-minded, bombastic ugliness of its ideas (but that connection is for
another time).
Louis C.K.’s new feature—which he wrote,
directed, and stars in—is, on the surface, a gloss on Woody Allen’s
“Manhattan,” down to the black-and-white cinematography and the lush score.
Louis C.K. plays Glen Topher, a New York television writer and producer whose
seventeen-year-old daughter, China (C...
Patrick McEvoy-Halston "Personal
conduct" makes it seem like he was a bad school boy. Reproach on him, for
not being a gentleman; for lapsing. But the women weren't grossed out by his
"conduct"... a scurry of women fleeing, but humiliated, reduced,
shamed by it... and so given this I think rather than Louis C.K.'s lapse in
personal conduct we should say Louis C.K.'s deliberate attempt to use women so
they feel small, worthless, used, and cast away. When someone undertakes to do
something like that, somehow it can't be brought back within the category of
inappropriate personal conduct, is my sense.
Karen Kleis Ugh. Can’t think of much
else to say. I won’t be seeing this one.
Viki Gonia Hopefully it will never
see the light of day.
Eric Culp Sounds like a treatise of
Chris Trott When I saw the trailer, I
thought to myself, ‘Wow, Louis CK is trying really hard to get people to
mistake this for a Woody Allen film’.
Janet Colclough Bargar He has always
been yuckworthy and I nean yuck as is "Ewwwwww! So gross!" not yuck
Seth Culp Nice! I want to see this
movie even more now. How are people unable to separate the person from the art?
They've done it with most others. I don't see anyone in an uproar calling for
Roman Polanski's Oscar to be stripped? He got a standing ovation and he is
ACTUALLY GUILTY, not just accused. How come Woody Allen isn't back in the
headlines? Without proper evidence and trial, this appears to be turning into a
McCarthy style witch hunt.
Andrew Kay I agree everyone has to
have their day in court. Last thing you need is trial by media.
Judith Karline You can't separate
them when the twisted bastard actually makes "art" out of his
misdeeds. See his show Louie, episode 'Pamela Part 1'.
Judith Karline And yeah, people have
called for Polanski's Oscar to be stripped.
Seth Culp Judith Karline I find his “art”,
especially his show Louie, and his stand up particularly hilarious and well
done. To each their own though. He has a knack for pointing out the universal
ugliness we all share as humans. May not be everyone’s brand of vodka, but to
deny it exists or pretend we’re above it I believe is phony and irresponsible.
Everyday there are new accusations on someone else and they are unproven yet
ruining careers. I’d like to see actual evidence and convictions before we all
jump to such harsh conclusions. I don’t see anything in the MSM about stripping
Polanski’s Oscar but I’m all for it if so. Hell people are losing jobs and
careers based on accusations but they haven’t taken action yet to strip a child
rapist’s Oscar. C’mon witch hunters!! Let’s try to be consistent!!!
Diane Watson-Langan When I am
watching a movie it feels like I am spending time with the actors in the film.
Right or wrong, I am going to have a hard time spending time with Kevin Spacey,
as he has not denied any of the allegations against him. I can read a book,
listen to music, go to a museum, and even separate myself more from the
director's life outside of the film.
Ernest Barteldes Different times. I
am sure that if it had happened today, they'd probably treat Polanski much
differently. And yes, there is a lot of outrage over Polanski. Remember when he
was arrested (I think Switzerland?), a lot of artists came to his defense and
many, many people went online and published a list of names of people who
signed a petition for his release.
Ernest Barteldes Full disclosure, I
was one of those and was listed right next to Antonio Banderas. got my 15
minutes I guess
Jenny Slattery Seth Culp Do you believe these women now
that Louis CK said their stories are true? But not before, right? Interesting
that you seem more concerned about Louis CK's career than the careers of the
women who were silenced and intimidated and limited by their interactions with
him - their careers were the ones who were impacted by forces entirely out of
their control.
Seth Culp Jenny Slattery Yes I believe them now
that their is actual proof in the form of a confession. And that’s all I was
asking for. Too many times have people been convicted in the court of public
opinion by the media and slander. He did the right thing. And I’m bummed. I
appreciated his voice in the world of comedy and entertainment. I hope he gets
any help he needs and bounces back.
Jenny Slattery Seth Culp I still only hear concern for
him and yourself. Not for these women. Telling, I think.
Seth Culp Jenny Slattery Telling what? What are you
Jenny Slattery That you care more
about the men you admire being accused than the women being hurt by those men
Jenny Slattery Even when the women’s
stories are proven to be true. Also you take “proof” as the mans word, not
theirs. Just a skewed worldview over all where men’s voices and careers and
experiences are more valuable. Is what I’m insinuating. I hope you can think
about that.
Jenny Slattery ...and maybe that
isn’t your worldview but as a woman reading your comments that’s how it feels.
Your words have an impact on women who read what you say and who already do not
feel valued or heard in this world. Okay I’m done. I realize I’m being
confrontational but clearly this is an upsetting and emotional issue. Thank you
for listening, Seth.
Yankel Todris There is no evidence
that Louis C.K. "hurt" the women who watched him masturbate nor that
he "hurt" the one who declined to watch him.
There is evidence that he has been hurt financially, artistically and socially by the fascists posing as feminists.
There is evidence that he has been hurt financially, artistically and socially by the fascists posing as feminists.
Jenny Slattery Thanks Yankel for
providing another wonderful experience of being a woman on the Internet!
David Troia Yankel Todris Um... and then there’s this
guy. *Sigh*
Steven Erickson Yankel Todris Yankel, that's probably the
stupidest thing I've ever read on Facebook. How would you feel if a guy who has
way more power in whatever field you work in barged into the room, and asked if
you wanted to watch him wank off? And if you complained,in public, it could
have repercussions for your career lasting years?
David Troia Jenny Slattery Jenny, as a white,
heterosexual, Christian male, I apologize on behalf of my tribe. Let’s hope
things change for the better but my cynicism runs high I’m afraid.
Jenny Slattery Thanks for this David
And thanks Steven! Appreciate when men say something to other men. Truly. Maybe
we can all be fascist feminists together.
Steven Erickson I don't deserve
thanks for basic decency. The bar for male behavior seems so low right now.
Yankel Todris Not feminists.
Just fascists.
Simone de beauvoir and Susan Sontag would look at you like you fell off the moon.
Have you ever even heard of de beauvoir and sontag?
Just fascists.
Simone de beauvoir and Susan Sontag would look at you like you fell off the moon.
Have you ever even heard of de beauvoir and sontag?
Jenny Slattery Steven Erickson fair enough. But a bar
many do not clear by a mile, so sometimes worth noting when people do.
Jenny Slattery Yankel Todris um yes have read both
thanks for asking. Do not want to undertake an analysis stand off though. I’ll
put my energy elsewhere
Yankel Todris Good move
David Troia Seth Culp Seth, you know I love you Man,
but when the argument is Hypocrisy versus Sexual Harassment, always take the
side of Harassment. You’ll sleep better.
Yankel Todris Those of us who have
benefited from the anti-discrimination law of the Civil Rights Act must stand
up against its blasphemous subversion into a punishment for spurned gay and
straight men and women under the rubric of the legal fiction called sexual
We must not let Tinder destroy the legacy of Lyndon Johnson.
We must not let Tinder destroy the legacy of Lyndon Johnson.
Steven Erickson And we must not let
Grindr destroy the legacy of Jimmy Carter!
Irene Rosenvais Judith, absolutely. This was exactly my
thought reading through these comments. Many of Woody Allen’s films can be
considered art based on his personal morals and views.
Irene Rosenvais I don’t disagree in
principle but what do all the actresses who have spoken out about their
experiences of harassment stand to gain?
Irene Rosenvais Steven, his comments
are outrageous and he doesn’t deserve a platform to spout this idiocy.
Judith Karline It seems that Seth has
a hard time understanding the gravity and affect sexual assault and harassment
have on the victims and the industry as a whole. Think of all of the talent
squelched by that culture we missed out on. We've read about female writers who
had to leave the industry when they wouldn't accept that culture. Are the
perpetrators' talents more valuable? No. They aren't.
Brian Duggan Dittos.
Stephen Conn I wonder if the review
would have been as damning if the sex harassment allegations hadn't come out.
Up till now Louis CK has been hailed as the comedy messiah, a combination of
Bob Dylan and Lenny Bruce. Now everyone magically hates his guts and treats him
like the most untalented performer at open-mic night of all time....
Andrew Kay Bill Hicks was better. RIP
Stephen Conn Andrew Kay You're looking for the 'hate
on Dennis Leary' page.
Andrew Kay Stephen Conn I like Dennis. He’s good. Or
Stephen Conn Andrew Kay Everyone says he's a Hicks
Andrew Kay Stephen Conn I’m not sure. Maybe. I just
loved Hicks growing up.
Maurice Yacowar Brody’s record
suggests it would have been
Valda Vee Andrew Kay even Hicks had his moments
that were challenging
Valda Vee I thought Louis CK’s
response to the recent allegations was profound in its truthfulness. He
explained the reasons why women are not believed or why they feel paralysed in
the presence of an egomaniacal predator.
Jonathan Milenko Pulled from
distribution. Also the 11/25 screening at MoMA has been cancelled.
Yankel Todris Any screenings in small
"independant" theaters?
Jonathan Milenko Yankel Todris No. Louis CK is
radioactive. No one will go near him. His manager and publicist have both
dropped him.
Yankel Todris I guess he'd rather be
seen as a predator than just a loser.
Yankel Todris Lol
Dean Morris As someone who worked in one
scene as an extra I want to see the film, perhaps for selfish reasons, but
these cancellations seem appropriate even though I had tickets for the MoMA
Jonathan Milenko You were able to get
tickets before they went on sale.
Jonathan Milenko Maybe Louis will
release it on his own website, providing his hosting company doesn't boot him.
Dean Morris I'm a volunteer there so
there are limited seats available to us at the Contenders series. It seems to
be removed from the MOMA schedule.
Dean Morris BTW you can buy tickets
at for The Contenders series.
Jonathan Milenko Dean Morris Yup. I've got alerts set up
for the on sale times of the movies I want to see. "Three Billboards"
last night. Have tickets for seven more screenings & plans for more. Here's
a more direct link, which I needed to use since the museum's site was down when
Blade Runner tickets went on sale.
Find tickets from Museum of Modern Art - Film
Mattia De Gasperis as a fan of Louis
ck's previous works, i would like to see it as well.
Mattia De Gasperis based on the
trailer and some images, it's so weird to see that his directing style seems
more cinematic and interesting in his television show, the style here looks
derivative and poor, even if there's a clear reference to Stardust memories and
some other Allenism(not talking about the "private" Allen). That
said, i really wish i will be able to see it and that it finds a release just
like every Polanski movie you all saw and reviewed, and just like every other
artist some people like to call "troubled" and write books and poems
Maurice Yacowar Transgressive art has
its own velocity?
Funlayo Hillrich Trailer, I Love You
Daddy. Sickening...
Ernest Barteldes pretty scathing
La Kristen Virgen Movie preview is
gross, would've trolled his shit anyway.
Joel Seligmann Well before the recent
revelations about Louis CK, I found him to be a repellent comic - one who
cynically goes too far for a laugh in the worst directions.
Terrence C Briggs On a related note,
we can analyze Nate Parker's Birth of a Nation on its own, without the need to
make the movie about the man who directed and starred in it.
If this Louis CK film is as bad as Richard says, that's the issue for us filmwatchers. When the film is over, we can address the off-screen issues.
If this Louis CK film is as bad as Richard says, that's the issue for us filmwatchers. When the film is over, we can address the off-screen issues.
Joel Seligmann Yes, or we can just
not see the film because we never thought he was worth our attention in the
first place.
Terrence C Briggs Totally fair. I still
haven't seen Pootie Tang.
Joel Seligmann So this is a movie by
Louis CK the purpose of which is to pass judgment on Woody Allen. Such
self-righteous temerity boggles the mind.
Lisa Salazar I pretty much avoid most
comedians after a good friend of mine, due his drive to succeed as a comedian,
checked his morals at the door. I saw countless of shows when I was supporting
him. Most comedians appeal to the lowest common denominator, relying on potty
humor and profanity. I saw a man that I really respected revert to misogyny and
profanity to get a laugh. I was so disappointed in him. And I told him as much.
There are not many comedians who are smart and funny without relying on this
type of "humor".
Elizabeth Lloyd-Kimbrel Which is what
makes Ellen Degeneres so valuable.
Issac M. John Elizabeth Lloyd-Timbrel
Or Jerry Seinfeld
Gay Pauley Demetri Martin, Jim
Gaffigan, Brian Regan. I don't dispute there are many offensive comedians, but
many choose another path.
Lisa Salazar And I do like Robin
Williams and Dave Chappelle and a few others. I'm not a complete grump.

Janet Colclough Bargar I totally
agree, but remember Cosby denigrating other comics for using profanity?
Janet Colclough Bargar Carlin was
very profane, but maybe never misogynistic or mean.
Tal Abbady It's interesting how and
when old paradigms crumble, or burn to the ground. We didn't see the open and
self-entitled predation in 'Manhattan.' It was aesthetic, charming, Marielle
Hemingway was the artist's beatific vision. "I can also make one of these,"
God says. The artist believed this was his right and the rest is history.It's
like that Roberto Bolano story - the literatti and elites are being wined and
dined and celebrated, and their host lives above a torture chamber.
Joe Procopio Finally, somebody on
this thread with something interesting to say. tired of the virtue
signaling in most of these comments.
Janet Colclough Bargar Virtue
signaling could actually be righteous reaction to systemic violence finally
being addressed (albeit weakly with boycotts that may not effect change.)
Lisa Salazar Vitrue signaling. Isn't
that a fancy way of saying "gross"?
Patrick McEvoy-Halston Janet Colclough Bargar A lot of people
are denying their past selves, though. This predatory inclination was in C.K.
all along probably, in his art, all along, and he was popular amongst many
people who believe they are entrenched liberals. It would due them well to
reflect on this, rather than be allowed to pretend they weren't themselves
attracted to a person who takes revenge out on women.
Joyce Rubin Deschamps Why would
anyone want to see this? Was "Casablanca" sold out? Better question
why would anyone want to make this movie? Aside from $$$ of course. Filth for
filth's sake.
Lisa Salazar There are many
like-minded people, as evidenced by today's news.
Wendy Ervin C.K. was paying homage to
his creepy hero.
Elizabeth Lloyd-Kimbrel So, judging
solely from Mr. Brody's review, I take it this flick isn't a satire that
essentially missed its target by several thousand miles?
Mary Zheutlin Peterman I saw the
retailers and was totally put off by the video, dialogue and premise.
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