Richard Brody shared a link.
It's that time of the year—the time for the best-of list, and, because it's been a good one for the art of movies, it's a long list; I've added a word about the state of the business (rather, the sorry state of the business's culture) and how it relates to the state of the art—now as ever:…/2017-i…/the-best-movies-of-2017…
The best movies aren’t only ones that include new voices; they’re also ones that include voices in new ways.
John Biers Is it that time of year? It seems early for “Best of” lists now instead of the end of December? I don’t understand why it has shifted.
John Salvatore Because critics have already seen all films slated to be released by year end
Suparna Sharma A long list of must-watch asap!! Delighted. Thanks
Judith Broadhurst Your list does what I like most: Introduces me to films I wouldn't have known about rather than just the ones that I learn about everywhere else. Thank you.
Will Thede I love that "Colossal" makes the list - so underrated. I'm upset "Beach Rats" is so high though. I thought it was thoroughly awful. Eliza Hitmann has a weird unsubtle-subtlety to her filmmaking. She wants to tell truths in a quiet way, but I can almost hear her loudly whispering into my ear: "Isn't this subtle? Look how subtle I'm being." Not a fan.
Patrick McEvoy-Halston You can't tell by the picture, but "Get Out" was his best film. They really should change it, because otherwise you superimpose these two as two more white goons from the film (though in fact, the grandmother, whose house this is, might have been one).
Patrick McEvoy-Halston "Wonder Wheel" disclosed what we don't want to know about ourselves. "Get Out" revealed what we're in a hurry to know about ourselves. Where were the exclusions and suppressions in that film? If "Wonder Wheel" was Al Franken dawning on what he'd done in his past and his state of mind while doing it, "Get Out" is his resignation speech: the trouble's actually over there.
Anthony Salvatore Get Out at #1, I gotta disagree on that. Good Time and A Ghost Story defiantly belong in the top 5 though.
Anthony Salvatore Richard, why didn’t Lady Bird make your top ten? Also, 3 Billboards didn’t even make the list.
Patrick McEvoy-Halston It's actually number one; look at the picture (nobody would actually WANT to put up a picture which features white rich people before a stately home, that isn't sardonic, not in 2017: this, they were clearly forced into). Here's why he voted for it as best film of the year: "This air of restraint is conspicuous throughout the film, and the price of that clarity is freedom—Gerwig’s own as well as that of the actors. 'Lady Bird,' daring, distinctive, and personal in text and theme, is recognizably conventional in texture and style. The bulk of the film is, in effect, pictures of actors acting—acting with skill and care, imagination and vigor, but with no more originality of tone or temperament than Gerwig brings to the direction of the film—at least, to most of the direction of the film. There’s nobody in the film who performs with the freedom or the originality that Gerwig herself offers as an actor—in part, because Gerwig doesn’t give her actors an open narrative framework or production environment akin to the ones that have given rise to her own most original performances. But though this sounds like a diss and all, like, an actually very serious diss -- and close to a dismissive one -- it remains my very best film of the year."
John Salvatore Surprised to see Song to Song on here...
Elsa Lopes Very surprised!
David Dean Daniel Saw Lady Bird and Three Billboards.. back to back and while Lady Bird was an entertaining film, Three Billboards thoroughly blew it away in terms of originality, acting, storytelling and just plain cinematic gusto. Hard to believe the excessive hype associated with Lady Bird, much less that it would top anyone's top films list for the year.
Patrick McEvoy-Halston The encouragement by the sheriff of Sam Rockwell's character was nice to see. It's too bad the movie had to show that his getting a bit of support from a needed father-figure, absent in his life as he had then proven just an appendage of his more cunning mother, was something he got to, well, keep, only after also being broken into numerous pieces. Braver if the film had allowed itself to argue that we are allowed to feel good over anyone receiving therapeutic assistance they've always needed, even if it's done without the person being discombobulated first.
Nicolas Bordet Twin Peaks would definitely deserve to be in the top 10...
Mark Schaffer Actually think it was a pretty thin year
Laurel Buss I know Brody panned it, but Call Me By Your Name deserves a place on this list.
Patrick McEvoy-Halston I'm not sure it could withstand the Bryan Singer. And Corey Feldman is back in the news, and he thought a "grooming" picture.
Mark Schaffer Meh
Jamie Gorham Thanks Richard for your list. Haven't seen one of the movies on it,have heard of two. The number one Peels film,and the one with Natalie Portman. A bad year for me watching film's for sure. But now I have your list and go forth (En Avant) into battle! Thanks again,keep on keeping on Richard. Later.
Ruben Carranza Thank you that introduction, Richard. It's probably even more important than the list itself.
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